Farmington Woods Elementary School PTA


Bedford Falls Book Fair


FWES PTA works with Bedford Falls, a local company.  


Book fairs bring the books kids want to read right into our school and help get students excited about reading!  It also provides funds and new books for our library and classrooms.  We will have a fantastic selection of books for all ages and grade levels. Every class visits the book fair twice: first to view and choose books for their wish list, then again later in the week to purchase books. 

PTA runs a program called Bear Paws, allowing teachers to identify students in need of reading materials at home.  These students get to purchase a book of their choice, paid for by the PTA.


The 2024 book fair will run from November 15 until November 22.   Students can visit during their designated times with their teachers.  Family nights will be from 4:30pm - 6:30pm on Tuesday November 19 and Thursday November 21.


The book fair is held in the Inquiry Center. 


Our goal for the book fair is to foster a love of reading, while giving back to FWES.  25% of all sales go directly to the Inquiry Center, for Ms. Zaccardi to use as needed.  She is updating the collection and keeping books that our students want to read on the shelves.  


Can you help?  We need volunteers to help students make wish lists, organize books, and work as cashiers.  All volunteers must be approved volunteers through WCPSS (  Please sign up here:

Can you shop?  There will be two family nights for the fall book fair.   Family nights will be from 4:30pm - 6:30pm on Tuesday November 19 and Thursday November 21.  Students can shop during the day at the time selected by their teachers.

Can you pay?  Cash, checks made payable to FWES PTA, or Bedford Falls Kid Credit.

Can you donate?  Teachers complete wish lists of books needed for their classrooms. Look for the board at the book fair or choose the donation option with a Bedford Falls Kid Credit.

More questions?  Please contact